Everyone knows that in workplaces surrounded by danger, such as in the Chemical Industry, creating a culture of safety requires a strong commitment at every level of an organization and has to go well beyond government regulations and industry standards.
Our objective includes helping drive home the culture of safety as well as to enhance the training programs themselves and the attentiveness of employees. With long hours and pressure to perform, taking a moment to reinvigorate attention and to establish the importance of protocols becomes all the more important. We have a wide range of programs designed to meet these goals and we are constantly working with our clients to develop new and innovative ways to achieve the goals of safety and to protect our most important resource, the workers in the chemical industry.
We can help your staff better handle Personal Protective Equipment. This is not only for the purposes of protection from the Coronavirus, but also fo safety in industrial and hazardous environments.
We can have classes to drive home the proper use of a variety of industrial equipment to help reduce accidents and ensure smooth operations.
We teach the value of following set procedures when working. This can include the use of specific checklists, the value of doing things in order and the dangers for violating accepted and approved procedures.
Through classroom lessons and simulations, we can help to drive home emergency procedures to reduce panic when the real thing happens.
Mistakes happen, but it should not be because someone foresaw a problem but simply was afraid to express themselves or didn't assert themselves to make sure that safety was assured.
Safety often begins with the ability to communicate. We help to enhance the ability of participants to communicate and to understand when information has been conveyed.
To help get companies back on track, training to deal with the specific issues of the pandemic are very important.
Click Here to learn more about our COVID-19 Safety Training.
We need to understand the problems that you are facing along with your goals. We will take those into consideration for any plan to approach your event.
We need to know the date you wish and how long the employees are available. If they have to be provided in shifts, the times for each group is important.
This includes the industry, the environment for the employees, access to outside operational assistance, safety equipment and any other concerns,
We need to know how many people would be involved, if they're in one or more groups, and if there are differences to consider in the roles of the different employees participating.
The 49th State is out on the frontier and has unique challenges. Oil & Gas and Maritime are big here, but so to are wilderness, aerospace and land management.
The Golden State is a conglomeration of many industries as well as being in an area that is prone to large natural disasters.
The Oil & Gas industry and maritime elements tend to be key here while also dealing with problems from tropical storms and tornados.
The islands are on their own. They are separated by huge expanses of oceans and we have a variety of training programs to help locals cope with immediate problems.
The Heart of America has everything from Agricultural, drilling and manufacturing, to issues with extreme weather, wildfires and security concerns.
The Northeast includes the highest density of population in the country and so is confronted with issues that take a bigger posture due to the potential public hazard.